Media Coverage
The Art of Construction: Episode 163
Data-Smart City Solutions
Gardner, Betsy (2019) The Perfect Pair: When Startups and Government Thrive Together, Data-Smart City Solutions, Ash Center, Harvard Kennedy School, 6/28/2019
Government Technology
Quaintance, Zach (2017) Startups Deliver Gov Tech Pitches at STiR Demo Day 2017, State Smart Transportation Initiative 9/29/2017
Article: State Smart Transportation Invitiative
McCahill, Chris (2017) Accessibility for all: Open source options for measuring access to destinations, State Smart Transportation Initiative 6/19/2017
American Planning Association Technology Division
Waddell, Paul (2017) Designing and Evaluating Land Use Regulations and Transportation Infrastructure using Urban Simulation and Data Science, Planning & Technology Today, American Planning Association Technology Division, No. 114, Spring 2017
Article: Government Technology
Adler, Laura (2016) SimCities: Can City Planning Mistakes Be Avoided Through Data-Driven Simulations? Government Technology, 8/29/2016