Shape the future of your city

with UrbanSim’s industry-leading forecasting models.

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Map of San Francisco with data layers and decorative dots

Design Scenarios

Create scenarios to experiment with different land use policies.

Design scenarios based on existing and proposed policies interactively and visually to simulate variations of land use and transportation plans. An UrbanSim scenario represents a bundle of transportation and land use policies and assumptions.

Run Simulations

Go beyond rudimentary scenario planning with our microsimulation land use model.

Our built-in model simulates complex interactions between real estate markets, transportation markets, and governmental policies. The model also considers the interrelated choices and tradeoffs made by households, businesses, and real estate developers.

See how your scenarios might impact your region over time.

Indicators are variables that are calculated on simulated data generated by our model runs. Use the menu of indicators to gain insight into the effects of alternative scenarios. Summarize and compare results between runs.

Explore Data

Understand the baseline data and existing conditions.

See what the model is using as baseline inputs for the simulation. Dive into data patterns about people, households, employment, real estate, planing, and policies. See how these patterns overlap with transportation infrastructure and the development pipeline to inform your scenario ideas.

Icon of a map place marker and green dots
Four rounded squares with four arrows pointing to the corners on a diagonal striped background
Icon of circles connected together as a network with wavy line pattern in the background
Icon of bar graph and line graph on top of diagonal green pattern

See Results