Case Study: BrisUrban - A Long-Term Solution for Brisbane's Planning Challenges
Brisbane City Council (BCC)
In the face of climate-induced challenges, the upcoming hosting of the Summer Olympics, and persistent housing affordability issues, Brisbane City Council (BCC) required a sophisticated system to enhance urban planning and meet state mandated planning requirements.
Brisbane, a city grappling with the recurring and growing risk of floods exacerbated by climate change, needed robust planning tools to mitigate risks and anticipate future scenarios. Climate challenges necessitated an urban model capable of simulating the risk and impact of flooding on various land use planning options (scenarios) and devising strategies to alleviate potential damages. BCC also recognized the critical challenge of housing supply, diversity and affordability. Through the BrisUrban platform, BCC aimed to model housing and floor area demand and supply dynamics under multiple scenarios, enabling informed policy decisions to keep housing, employment, and supporting services within reach for its diverse population.
Responding to these challenges, BCC engaged UrbanSim Inc. to implement a SaaS urban model system capable of addressing the intricate and evolving planning needs of Australia's largest local government area by population.
BrisUrban, UrbanSim's targeted solution for BCC, was meticulously designed to accommodate the needs of Brisbane and the broader South East Queensland (SEQ) region. BrisUrban provided a comprehensive medium for integrating land-use planning with infrastructure analysis, addressing state planning policy and legislative requirements and the practical challenges unique to Brisbane's landscape.
UrbanSim's innovative model incorporated multiple layers of data and models, allowing for robust, data-driven analysis of alternative scenarios and forecasts to produce robust planning assumptions. These projections facilitate the strategic positioning of community infrastructure, careful planning for the Olympics, inclusive housing policies, and resilience against frequent floods.
“In a time where most cities are grappling with growth challenges, Urbansim has delivered a tool of exceptional value to policy makers that has become the gold standard and envy across Australia.”